(Last updated September 29, 2024)

Table of contents


Name Rachit Kumar
Position MD-PhD Student
School email rachit (dot) kumar (at) pennmedicine (dot) upenn (dot) edu
Personal email rkumar (dot) biz (at) gmail (dot) com


  • 2022.08 - Present
    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
    University of Pennsylvania
    Genomics and Computational Biology
  • 2020.08 - Present
    Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
    University of Pennsylvania
    Perelman School of Medicine
  • 2016.08 - 2020.05
    Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
    Georgia Institute of Technology
    Biomedical Engineering


  • 2024.07 - Present
    Biomedical Graduate Student Association, University of Pennsylvania
  • 2023.07 - 2024.07
    Vice Chair for BGS Student Affairs
    Biomedical Graduate Student Association, University of Pennsylvania
  • 2020.09 - 2021.08
    Founding Member
    Students for Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity, Perelman School of Medicine
  • 2020.09 - 2021.08
    Class Chair
    Medical Student Government, Perelman School of Medicine
  • 2020.08 - 2022.12
    Course Representative
    Student Curriculum Committee, Perelman School of Medicine
  • 2020.08 - Present
    Standing Member
    Diversity Committee, American Physician Scientists Association


  • 2023.07
    T32: Computational Genomics Training Program Grant
    University of Pennsylvania
    Appointed to the Penn Computational Genomics T32 (HG000046)
  • 2020.08
    T32: Penn Medical Scientist Training Program Grant
    University of Pennsylvania
    Appointed to the Penn MSTP T32 (GM007170)
  • 2020.05
    Biomedical Engineering Outstanding Academic Service Award
    Georgia Institute of Technology
    Awarded for service as an undergraduate teaching assistant
  • 2018, 2019
    STEM-HEAR Research Grant
    Alexander Graham Bell Association and Hearst Foundations
    Awarded to support research into hearing loss